Thursday, November 17, 2016

A Look at Mothers and Fathers in the Media ad was intriguing to me. The advertisement is for sharpie and shows a father writing the names of his children on their diapers in order to tell them apart. Anyone who has had identical twins, triplets or any amount of children in one pregnant knows that you may have trouble telling them apart. I have heard of using clothing or hair accessories to this. I have even heard of painting toe nails. I don't think writing their name on their diaper is that far fetched. It an intriguing and funny advertisement that is set up effectively to focus on the dads goal ad what he is writing with. I like the ad and feel it works!
What I learned from this assignment is that its interesting to deconstruct advertisements.  There can definitely be some hidden meanings in them. This ad suggests that fathers are not great at remember who their children are. One could read further into it by suggesting that its because the father isn't around the babies as much. I would be shocked to find out that this was Sharpies intent. I believe they were just looking for a comical way to sell their product and reaching out to the busy middle class adults.

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