Thursday, October 13, 2016

While reading and viewing the YouTube videos, I became increasingly interested in the topic of youth engagement. More specifically in the engagement of politics and democracy.   "Younger generations have disconnected from conventional politics and government in alarming numbers" (Bennett, 2008, pg.1). Today's youth spend most of their time on social media sites and the internet but why aren't they engaging themselves in these very important areas of our country? One reason could be " candidates seldom appeal directly to young voters on their own terms about their concerns" (Bennett, 2008, pg.1).  Bennett believes there is two paradigms to youth engagement. Basically, we have the engaged and disengaged. Engaged youth are more active while disengaged youth are more passive. (Bennett, 2008, pg. 3) Unfortunately, I feel we have disengaged than engaged when it comes to topics like politics, democracy and citizenship. One of the key reasons we have youth that are disengaged is "the curriculum is often stripped of independent opportunities for young people to embrace and communicate about politics on their own terms" (Bennett, 2008, pg7). Youth today feel as though they don't have the opportunities to express their thoughts about current topics related to politics and democracy.
 How do we get our youth more interested in these topics using digital media? I feel that there are several things that are being done and that can be done to get our youth more engaged with these topics of importance. " Howard Rheingold notes in this volume, many young people live online, but they may lack the skills to communicate their common concerns in effective ways to larger (public) audiences" (Bennett, 2008, pg.8). It important to introduce politics though digital media because that is what our youth are using today o communicate and learn. Rheingold suggests training for youth so that they are better equip with the tools and strategies to become engaged. It is important for all members of the society to work on ways to get youth more involved. While watching the You Tube video listening to Raquel Recuero, she explains how the Brazilian youth are engaging in politics, social movements and democracy. A statement that she said that stuck with me was, "Youth have a great potential to do good" (Recuero, 2012). Our future in these powerful, yet controversial, topics and situations are in the hands of our youth. We need to ensure that all youth are involved in them. Recuero explains how it has been important to spread democracy across Brazil. A group of people got together and created a website. It was launched in 2010 and is open to everyone in the country but it was set up especially for their youth. The site gives citizens the opportunity to express their thoughts and communicate with other people about democracy. (Recuero, 2012)  Youth are able to use this website to not only express themselves but also to hear out other peoples opinions. Another site that was established by a youth in Rio De Janeiro to give others his age the opportunity to discuss situations happening around them. It is a great way to connect youth and the community and to get them involved in the world around them.
I feel that there is definitely a lack of youth involvement with politics but I also feel that digital media is helping to guide our youth back to these topics. Many youth have it set up where they log into their phone or computers and the news stories of the day pop up. This gives them the chance to see what is going on in the world. The thing I think is missing is a non bias site, like in Brazil, that gives them the opportunity to express their thoughts and ask questions about the main topics the United State is faced with today. Sure, they can post things on Face Book or other social media site but I have heard one to many times how controversial that can get. The other thing I think needs to happen is politicians that are in office or running for office need to set a better example for our youth. There is so much corruption and controversial situations that go on it politics, how can parents engage their children to watch and take part in debates or conversations if we are always worrying what may come up next.

Bennett, W. L. (2008). “Changing Citizenship in the Digital Age." Civic Life Online: Learning How Digital Media Can Engage Youth. Edited by W. Lance Bennett. The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation Series on Digital Media and Learning. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, Pg.1–24. doi: 10.1162/dmal.9780262524827.001

Receuro, R. (July, 2012). How are Brazilian youth becoming more digital and what potential does digital media produce democracy and social movement?